Data Visualization Resources

Datavis/Infovis is a relatively new profession and is continually evolving due to research in areas as disparate as emotive-response patterns (cognitive psychologya discipline within psychology that investigates the internal mental processes of thought such as visual processing, memory, problem solving, and language), visual processing mechanics (brain imagingthe use of various techniques to either directly or indirectly perceive the structure and function of the brain), and perception & interaction habituation (user experience designthe creation of the architecture and interaction models that impact a user's perception of a device or syste). Other disciplines that continue to influence visualization design include cartographythe science, aesthetics, and technique of creating geographical maps, semioticsthe study of signs and symbology, which includes the branches of semantics, syntactics, and pragmatics, statisticsthe science of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data relating to groups of individuals or experiments, and graphic design at-large.

The guidelines for constructing effective visualizations are evolving as a result—and some of what we thought we knew about charting is terribly inefficient or just plain misleading. Here are some great reads about the foundational theories and best implementations of the community.